Sm00th Br@in Bl0ck$


Sm00th Br@in Bl0cks is a completely self funded block producer on the Telos network. Through frens, fun and working with builders in the ecosystem, SBB is doing something different

Cookin' bl0ck$ for T3lo$

Sm00th Br@in Bl0ck$ wants to keep Telos based, juiced and locked-in. By working with the chads of the ecosystem and burning a bag of Telos each month, we want to keep telos A1


Big Peepee


Sm00th Br@in is lead by The Big Gooey, maybe the most handsome degen in all of web3. He makes memes good and has a deep love of highly illiquid Jpegs. Having worked at the Telos FOundation for two and half years, he's built deep relationships with the builders of the chain.
TBG Was here

Standby/Active Earnings breakdown
-10% infrastructure (burn any remainder)
-25% Burn Telos every Month
-20% Marketing (wen Moon?)
-25% Campaign Sponsorship
-20% Team (No Selling allowed!)

Break Down

Mint! (CoMiNg SoOn)